Thoughts and ideas on the Unitarian Universalist Spirit Play method of religious education, which is grounded in Montessori methods and inspired by the Episcopal Godly Play.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I'm back! Baby boy and buying felt

Yay! I'm back to church after my summer furlough and maternity leave.

This was shortly before baby boy was born:

And here's baby boy a few days ago:

There. So now you are caught up! I've been back to work for two Sundays and was cheered to find that the Spirit Play classroom was clipping along with a schedule and activities that were working nicely. I hope this is the year that we can hold a retraining. My great hope is to present it to teachers and parents alike, pitching it as a classroom and homeschool/home worship method.

Meanwhile, I made use of a few JoAnns coupons and stocked up on underlay felt.

 This is something I have learned in the past year, to have on hand single yards of 72" recycled plastic felt--brand Ecofelt--in various colors, which JoAnn's sells for $4.99 a yard. Each yard yields 2 full 36" circular underlays, with ample scraps for other story elements. The neutral colors turned out to be the most useful, though the purple and dark blue are nice, too. Some of the bright colors that we thought we would end up color-coding with the rainbow Promise stories were just to hard to look at under the fluorescent lights of the classrooms, so we're moving away from that.

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