Thoughts and ideas on the Unitarian Universalist Spirit Play method of religious education, which is grounded in Montessori methods and inspired by the Episcopal Godly Play.

A Little About the Blog

I'm Teresa Honey Youngblood, the director of religious education at the Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Our RE program began researching the UU-developed curriculum, Spirit Play, in the fall of 2012. As we began looking and asking around, we discovered to our surprise that Spirit Play has a very small Internet presence despite its many, many loving and loyal followers. Our hope is to create a space that documents our journey learning, planning for, preparing, implementing, and assessing this model.

I'd love to hear from you. The most reliable way to contact me is via email, and to cut down on the spam that may result from publishing it directly here, I'd like to direct you to the UU Fellowship of Fayetteville website, where it's clearly visible! Thanks.

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