Thoughts and ideas on the Unitarian Universalist Spirit Play method of religious education, which is grounded in Montessori methods and inspired by the Episcopal Godly Play.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

"How Stories Began" material-making

So, this was a super fun evening.

Here are a few of the materials I've been working on for the Wonder and Awe Source story, "How Stories are Made." The lesson plans call for a scroll, a stone tablet made of clay, and a picture of cave paintings. But, this being Arkansas, rocks of all kinds are plentiful. So, I found a tablet-shaped stone and a cave wall-shaped rock and got to painting. The stone tablet was too wee for me to do real writing on, but the scroll, which is made from a small strip of white fabric glued around two thin dowel pieces, has the real Paleo-Hebrew alphabet written on it. (The alphabet ends at the 5th line, and after that I just copied random letters.) And the cave painting designs come from real cave paintings.

My kids, 5 and 8, grabbed these up along with the peg people shepherds that go with them (painted, but not yet sealed) and the tissue-paper LED light fire (which is just so cool, and was inspired by this type, but smaller).

See, this is why I love this work so much. I spent an evening researching cool topics, painting, crafting, and playing, I get paid a little bit for it, and my boys are totally into it.

1 comment:

  1. I want to play with those they look awesome!
