Thoughts and ideas on the Unitarian Universalist Spirit Play method of religious education, which is grounded in Montessori methods and inspired by the Episcopal Godly Play.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wall wrap-around

The day has come! We have run out of shelf space and are now lining the walls with stories!

The stories go down this wall and wrap around the one behind where I'm taking the picture. I think they've heard 16 stories this year?

Our classrooms are small, so only the narrowest bookshelves fit with enough room for kids and teachers. This seemed like a perfectly workable solution to end the year out. At first, I was worried the stories would get stepped on or jostled about too much, without a clear "place" or "cubby" that they belonged in. But not so! The children adapted to this arrangement quickly, and since there are more soft and gentle in their movements in this room anyway, it turns out my fears were unfounded.  One new challenge is finding a way to label the baskets; we had settled on affixing the label to the shelf in front of the basket, but that doesn't work quite as well on carpet.

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