Thoughts and ideas on the Unitarian Universalist Spirit Play method of religious education, which is grounded in Montessori methods and inspired by the Episcopal Godly Play.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Muddy Children...for Grown-Ups!

I had a dentist appointment this morning, and was home with slightly sore gums, and my homeschooled children decided that the activity for the day was a "Magic Schoolbus" marathon thanks to Netflix. 

So with some home time on my hands, and Spirit Play stories on my mind, I turned my attention to an exciting project: making a Hosea Ballou story...for our adult religious education class!

I'm tickled the adult RE team asked for one. A couple of members of this group were hard to convert! They liked the old way we did children's R.E., and weren't sure Spirit Play was a good fit for our congregation. Maybe it just took time to adjust, and maybe the couple of community worship services featuring Spirit Play stories for all ages won their hearts.

I adapted the "Muddy Children" story in A Lamp in Every Corner, and came up with what I hope is a worthy design and execution.

Here are the story elements, minus the people (Hosea and father, probably will be unpainted pag people) and the underlay (probably beige).

From top left: mud puddle, shirt, bathtub, Universalist church, heart symbolizing universal salvation

And the shirt and bathtub are two-sided, and go from clean (above) to dirty (below).


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