Thoughts and ideas on the Unitarian Universalist Spirit Play method of religious education, which is grounded in Montessori methods and inspired by the Episcopal Godly Play.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fabric Finger Labyrinth

I've been having insomnia lately, so I put it to good use last night and gave a go at making a small, plush finger labyrinth. It's definitely a prototype--quite a few things I botched or would do differently next time--but overall I think the idea has a lot of potential. 

I drew a basic three-turn labyrinth pattern onto fabric, did split-stitch embroidery over all the lines, then sewed on a backing and stuffed it with two layers of quilt batting. The size seems just about right, though it would be fun to experiment with other labyrinth patterns. And the level of "squishiness" seemed right, too, but I need to call my mom to ask her how to stuff it so that the batting stays even and doesn't shift around.

My thought was that this could either be used well as a during-service focusing/fidgeting activity, in the church corner (perhaps most appropriate if church actually has a labyrinth on the grounds), or on the Ways to Pray shelf with the prayer beads, prayer cards, zen garden tray, meditation jar, and anything else that's there. For older kids who are into it, it would actually make a nice afternoon multigenerational workshop, too, with instruction and support on embroidery and/or machine sewing.

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