Thoughts and ideas on the Unitarian Universalist Spirit Play method of religious education, which is grounded in Montessori methods and inspired by the Episcopal Godly Play.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Spirit Play Storeroom

I am so hungry to see other Spirit Play spaces, and Godly Play, too, and Reggio Emilia and Montessori-inspired religious education classrooms. I want to see how they are laid out, and how they flow, and how they are tidied on Sunday afternoons, and where things are stored. Once we get clipping along, I'd love to make a series of YouTube videos on how the classrooms "work" on a given Sunday.

To that end, I'll add here a picture of a shelf in what is now our Spirit Play storeroom. It is not a thoughtfully laid out room, as we rather missed the memo that we'd need a whole other space in which to store not-currently-used stories and supplies, so cobbled it together quickly last fall.

You know, when I first started looking at Spirit Play classrooms online, I thought, man, these folks are serious about their baskets and shelving. And now I understand why! Everything is open, accessible, easy to see, and tidy.

These are about 3/4 of the stories we have built. The other 1/4 is in the Spirit Play classroom itself, on the shelves there for children to play with. The baskets are all donated or purchased at the thrift stores. Each story has a printed-out text accompanying it, in a plastic slip.We still have a great need to label each story basket with a symbol card, and I hope to have the titles and layouts printed on the other sides of the cards. I'm envisioning something like large, hanging gift tag attached with a string long enough that it could be laid on top of the layout on each story. I think that would be a great volunteer job for somebody wanting to get acquainted with our if only I could find that one volunteer!

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