Thoughts and ideas on the Unitarian Universalist Spirit Play method of religious education, which is grounded in Montessori methods and inspired by the Episcopal Godly Play.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Inventory night!

Heading into the second half of the year, I sat down with all our story baskets and did a good, thorough inventory. Lots of stories needed to be reunited with their texts. Some story pieces had broken pieces. Some needed refills of used materials. But all in all, we were in pretty good shape.

But you know, I'd almost have rather they be worn right out! I guess it's possible that the stories were played with everso gently by nimble-fingered children in dainty and unobtrusive ways. But my guess is they weren't taken off the shelves much. Next year, I want some serious smudges, nicks, bumps, and tears!